Anne Gruner Schlumberger
Anne Gruner Schlumberger (1905-1993), a French philanthropist and patron of the arts and science, was the daughter of Conrad Schlumberger, who with his brother Marcel Schlumberger, founded the oil exploration company Schlumberger Ltd. Conrad and Marcel’s father, Paul Schlumberger, was an Alsatian textile manufacturer.
Anne Gruner Schlumberger’s first husband, Henri George Doll, joined Conrad and Marcel in 1926 and became a leader in the development of oil well logging and a key technical executive of Schlumberger Ltd. Her sisters, Dominique de Ménil and Sylvie Boissonnas, were also married to Schlumberger Ltd. executives.
Anne Gruner Schlumberger supported the arts, literature and science through many sponsorship activities, encouraging creativity in all its forms. She established the Fondation des Treilles and set up the very first children’s only library near Paris in 1965 before establishing over twenty libraries in rural areas of Greece.
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