Bradley F. Smith

Bradley Smith headshot
Born in Seattle, Bradley F. Smith (1931-2012) joined the US Air Force for four years before studying history at UC-Berkeley, graduating summa cum laude in 1958, and spending a year at the University of Munich on a Fulbright; he also became a Wilson Fellow. He joined Cabrillo Community College in California in 1960 where he would teach for 32 years. He took a leave of absence in 1967-68 to teach at Miles College in Birmingham, Alabama where he was a civil rights activist.

In the 1970s Smith began to write meticulously researched books which would make him a recognized scholar of World War II and intelligence, including
A Nazi in the Making (1971), Reaching Judgment at Nuremberg (1977), The Shadow Warriors: OSS and the Origins of the CIA (1983) and Sharing Secrets with Stalin: How the Allies Traded Intelligence 1941-45 (1996). He was particularly skilled at finding useful documents before intelligence-related materials were widely released, especially at Stanford’s Hoover Institute, at the National Archives in Washington DC and in Britain’s National Archives at Kew.

Smith was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in the mid-1990s.

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