Baruch: The Public Years by Bernard Baruch (137,000 words, 30 illustrations)
“During his public years, approximately half of the nine decades of his active life, Bernard Baruch has served or advised many of the men who in that time have ruled the Western world... Baruch approves of his own ideas and achievements, but neither is it rancid, for the author, at ninety, cares less for self-vindication than for a rational and decent order among men. The spirit of that admirable objective informs his often anecdotal narrative of men and events, among them the administration of the War Industries Board, the Paris Conference of 1919, the adventures of the prosperous and the trials of the poor in the decade of the 1920’s, and some aspects of the New Deal, economic mobilization in World War II, and the abortive efforts since then for international control of atomic energy. Here there are contented recollections of Wilson, Churchill, Clemenceau and Roosevelt, and, less contented but still appreciative, of Harry Truman... [Baruch’s] work is... significant... for what it reveals about him.” — John M. Blum, The American Historical Review
“That [Baruch] has unusual talents, no one denies. Had he been ambitious he might have become the first Jewish President of the United States. But not loving power, not yearning for the spotlight of publicity, and not wishing to assume responsibilities that would be extremely controversial, he has chosen to be an unofficial adviser for Presidents. And what a good one he has made! The Public Years should be a required book for all students of the United States in the twentieth century.” — George C. Osborn, The Journal of Southern History
“Looking back at his experiences, Baruch interweaves his philosophy of government, service, and values, and his autobiography stands as a personal creed of individualism, patriotism, and communal responsibility.” — Naomi W. Cohen, American Jewish Historical Quarterly
“Mr. Baruch relates his association with great and near-great persons and his involvement in national and international affairs. His comments on past events, while profiting from the vantage of hindsight, are penetrating and sound. This account portrays the keen insight and wisdom of Bernard Baruch in surveying the momentous years between Presidents Wilson and Truman, and reveals the sage advice which he provided to those in positions of authority relative to the social, economic and military affairs of this nation.” — Naval War College Review
“It can be said with complete accuracy, I think, that no living person surpasses Bernard M. Baruch in experience, study, and leadership in all phases of industrial preparedness.” — Leo A. Codd, Ordnance