(cover by Susan Erony)
The Three Lives of Charles De Gaulle by David Schoenbrun (148,000 words)
“[O]ne of the best introductions in English to this awkward and impressive figure which constantly reminds us that men of destiny make difficult company... an honest and enjoyable book.” — Eugen Weber, Political Science Quarterly
“David Schoenbrun wrote his book from the vantage-point of frequent personal contacts with de Gaulle and many years residence in France. He blends biography and history, equally concerned with his protagonist’s mind and character as with the sequence of events, in this well-balanced account of de Gaulle the Soldier, the Savior of France, and the Statesman. Schoenbrun finds much to admire in the soldier, but he grows more critical as the Messianic de Gaulle rises or climbs to the dizzy heights of the Presidency which thanks to de Gaulle’s Constitution now has more power than the king who proclaimed "l’état c’est moi"... this enthralling book is well worth reading.” — Donald Armstrong, World Affairs
“David Schoenbrun is a top CBS newsman and analyst with an impressive accessibility to the great and knowledge of politics, in particular French politics... he applies his experience and qualifications to the task of presenting formidable Charles de Gaulle of France. It is a full dress biography.” — Kirkus
“Au total, le portrait sympathique que Schoenbrun brosse de de Gaulle vient à propos en un temps où beaucoup d’Américains critiquent âprement la politique et la personne du Président français. Par sa narration des évènements de la seconde guerre mondiale, il justifie l’attitude qu’observera souvent de Gaulle à l’égard de l’Angleterre et des Etats-Unis, ce qui ne l’empêche pas de montrer de Gaulle manœuvrant pour s’attribuer le pouvoir suprême, conformément à la doctrine développée dans son livre Le fil de l’épée, où se révèlent ses ambitions dictatoriales et, en même temps, un sens politique assez aigu, qui lui permet de comprendre qu’une dictature n’est concevable que soutenue par un large courant populaire.” — Arthur L. Funk, Revue d’histoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale