J.C. Hurewitz
Born in Hartford the youngest of 12 children of an Orthodox rabbi, Jacob Coleman Hurewitz (1914-2008) graduated from Trinity College in 1936 and did graduate work at Columbia University concentrating on the then unusual topic of the Middle East before going to Palestine to study the influence of Americans in that Ottoman-controlled area.
Because of his language skills, Hurewitz then worked successively for the Near East section of the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, at the State Department, as a political adviser on Palestine to the president’s cabinet, and for the United Nations secretariat. He joined Columbia in 1950 where he directed its Middle East Institute from 1970 until his retirement in 1984. In 1972, Hurewitz established the Columbia Seminar on the Middle East, which he continued to chair until he was nearly 90.
Besides The Struggle for Palestine, a revision of his doctoral thesis, Hurewitz’s books include Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East, The Middle East and North Africa in World Politics, Middle East Politics: The Military Dimension and Soviet American Rivalry In The Middle East.
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