Nelly Wilson
Born in Vienna in 1930, Nelly Wilson (née Jussem) came to England in 1945 as one of the 150 former concentration camp children invited by the British Government to settle there. She graduated with a BA Honours degree in French from the University of Bristol where she subsequently taught as a senior lecturer, after several years of research in France on a doctoral thesis presented at the University of Paris.
Wilson’s longstanding interest in the significance of the Dreyfus Affair and in Charles Péguy’s illuminating reflections on Bernard Lazare’s crucial role in the Affair inspired her book on the subject. Published by Cambridge University Press in 1978, the book was awarded the Jewish Chronicle non-fiction prize. It was followed by a slightly expanded French edition (Albin Michel, 1985). Since her retirement from teaching, she has lectured and written widely on the subject and on other related topics.
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