(cover by Susan Erony)
Walls: Resisting the Third Reich — One Woman’s Story by Hiltgunt Zassenhaus (83,000 words)
Walls is the story of how a young German woman, acting alone with the cooperation of a handful of other individuals in wartime Germany, brought sustenance and hope to thousands of political prisoners of the Third Reich.
“When so many of us seem crippled by the numbness we see in our own society, Walls reminds us of the power of individual conscience.” — The Nation
“I want my friends to read this book. I want to fix them with a glittering eye, à la Ancient Mariner, and force them to sit down and start reading. How else can they learn that a book about wartime Germany and concentration camp horror can be enthralling, inspiring and even possess charm.” — Pamela Marsh, Christian Science Monitor
“The autobiography of Hiltgunt Zassenhaus pierced through the malaise and oppressive apathy of our society to affect me more profoundly than I recall a book ever having done before.” — Genesis II
“The suspenseful and dramatic story of one courageous woman’s bold deception of the Gestapo.” — Book-of-the-Month Club News
“This book releases its own inspiriting energies. In times that call for courage, ever more courage, Walls will remind any human heart of its own worst dangers and its best possibilities.” — National Catholic News Service
“... set down in cool reflection but charged with inescapable emotion...” — The New Yorker